An American Family in London

Just as England is known for its ubiquitous love of pubs, our family is known for the same thing. And when we went to the UK for Christmas, it was like a match made in Heaven.

There’s something special about pubs. It’s like the community’s place of gathering, where you make new friends, catch up with old ones and simply connect with each other beyond the screens of our gadgets.

In Chicago we had our favorites and once I organized a train pub crawl with … Read more ...

How My Night Went From a Freelance Writing Panel to a Stripping Chipmunk

Walking back to my car in Portland after a freelance writing panel, I could hear the people whooping it up from the sidewalk. I peered through the windowed door to see a coffeehouse with an eclectic crowd applauding a clown.

Well, she was kind of a clown. She was more of a clown before a clown dons on the red nose, curly wig and big shoes. There wasn’t even a billowy polkadotted jumper for this maven. Instead, she was rockin’ some black fishnets and glitter.… Read more ...

Coming Back To Chicago: It’s Time for #BlogHer13

BlogHer, the biggest blogging conference for women is this week in Chicago and I’m going. I’m so stoked because I’ve never been before, but have always heard how it’s the blogging conference of all conferences.

I would often read about the great swag bloggers get or the hilarious antics of moms who had too much to drink while wearing too high of heels. But the conference not just fun and games. BlogHer is a multimedia powerhouse. The sessions are varied and include panels for … Read more ...

This NPR Nerd Gets Her Chance At Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me

I love NPR. Even before the coffee is brewing in our house, National Public Radio has been turned on.

I get to drink in nearly two hours of NPR before my 5 year old wakes and that’s when I have to turn it off because that’s generally the time for Morning Edition, and I don’t feel like answering questions about genocide, Julian Assange or affirmative action. We can talk about those topics, just not at 8:30 a.m. while we’re trying to get to summer school … Read more ...