Wordless Wednesdays: Meet Back Fence PDX

Uber talented Mindy Netiffee, B. Frayn Masters and Nicholas Kessler.

Uber talented Mindy Netiffee, B. Frayn Masters and Nicholas Kessler.

My plans to tell you about Portland’s crazy popular storytelling event called Back Fence PDX went awry when a local politician spoke candidly about punching a girl in college. However, I wanted to a give shout out to the fantasticalness that is Back Fence.

Its shows started in 2008 and its very similar to The Moth with live-story telling along a common theme. This is a shot of co-host, hilarious girl, poet extraordinaire Mindy Read more ...

Former Portland mayoral candidate talks about hitting woman in college

Portlanders at a storytelling event last night got quite the surprise when former mayoral candidate Jefferson Smith took the stage and told a story about the time in college when he hit a woman at a party.

Smith, who lost to Charlie Hales in last year’s election, was a Democratic state representative who was considered a rising star in Oregon politics.

It's not a great picture, I know, but it's what I got. Jefferson Smith on stage talking about how he hit a girl.

It’s not a great picture, I know, but it’s what I got. Jefferson Smith on stage talking about how he hit a girl.

Then … Read more ...

A Night At The Moth in Portland

I knew that my night at The Moth was going to be an extra good one when the woman in the seat next to mine sternly warned me not to spill her scotch.

I assured her I did not condone such abuse of alcohol. She chuckled. We were fast friends.

Outside the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland.

Outside the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland.

The Moth is a not-for-profit group that supports storytelling. What is storytelling? It’s what we do everyday. Sharing true stories from our lives with others. However at … Read more ...

A little newsroom nostalgia thanks to my visit to Chicago’s WBEZ91.5

Last week I had my first real hard-to-reach itch to get back in a newsroom since I left The Associated Press. And it was all WBEZ’s fault.

I was in their studio on Chicago’s Navy Pier to record my story that won Story Club’s January open mic. A friend of mine introduced me to an amazing storyteller, filmmaker, producer and radio host, Luis Antonio Perez, who said he’d tape and lightly edit my story to be featured on Story Club’s web site as … Read more ...

Now That’s A First ….

*Since some of my readers had a hard time accessing my first storytelling piece. Here it is in its entirety.

Everyone remembers where they were that day. You know the day. THAT day. People were at work, getting ready for work, getting the kids ready for school. All in our usual morning routines on that particular September 11th.

At the time, I was a journalist for The Associated Press and hours after the towers fell, I was one of the four … Read more ...