Wordless Wednesdays: Meet Back Fence PDX

Uber talented Mindy Netiffee, B. Frayn Masters and Nicholas Kessler.

Uber talented Mindy Netiffee, B. Frayn Masters and Nicholas Kessler.

My plans to tell you about Portland’s crazy popular storytelling event called Back Fence PDX went awry when a local politician spoke candidly about punching a girl in college. However, I wanted to a give shout out to the fantasticalness that is Back Fence.

Its shows started in 2008 and its very similar to The Moth with live-story telling along a common theme. This is a shot of co-host, hilarious girl, poet extraordinaire Mindy Read more ...

Former Portland mayoral candidate talks about hitting woman in college

Portlanders at a storytelling event last night got quite the surprise when former mayoral candidate Jefferson Smith took the stage and told a story about the time in college when he hit a woman at a party.

Smith, who lost to Charlie Hales in last year’s election, was a Democratic state representative who was considered a rising star in Oregon politics.

It's not a great picture, I know, but it's what I got. Jefferson Smith on stage talking about how he hit a girl.

It’s not a great picture, I know, but it’s what I got. Jefferson Smith on stage talking about how he hit a girl.

Then … Read more ...