I’ve been really touched by the support I’ve gotten in my weight loss adventure. From my family and friends in real life to my e-friends, we all know what it’s like to want to drop some weight, whether it’s 30 pounds or three.

I’ve received several messages of support and questions about my action plan, so I decided to create a page about my weight loss. I’m not a physician, nutritionist or personal trainer, I’m just a regular girl trying to lose the pounds she packed on during her pregnancy. I promise to be honest about my experience, the good and the bad. I’ll share recipes, workout tales and hopefully some weight loss milestones.

There won’t be any get-thin-quick schemes, as much as I want the weight to be gone within a blink of an eye, I want to do it in a healthy way that has long-lasting results. I’m focused on eating clean, balanced meals and regular exercise.

Join me on this journey to better health.




She’sWrite On Health — 6 Comments

  1. Pingback: Bowling For Jesus… Um, Kinda | She'sWrite

  2. Pingback: The Blubber Battle: My Second Missive Against the Bulge is a Bombshell | She'sWrite

  3. i’ve been logging in on myfitnesspal. it’s helped me be more aware and accountable of what i’m doing and not doing! you can do it, you can do it, you can do it!

    • Thanks so much for your encouraging words! How sweet! I need to be like the Little Engine That Could. “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can….”

  4. This is a great format for your fitness goal. I really enjoyed reading it! I’m working on a weight loss goal myself, nearly there pounds-wise, but still trying to establish the habits to keep me in line. Halloween on the horizon, lots of candy in my house already… other holidays close behind. Maybe you have some insight to share? No spam intended, but there’s lots of us on mylifelist that are working on this. Come share your view, your writing is so good, it would be a great help to the rest of the network. Here’s my goal link: http://www.mylifelist.org/goal/65837/Lose-15-pounds

  5. Pingback: Hot Fitness Trend: Getting R.I.P.P.E.D. | She's Write

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