Kickin’ Off Our Cruise With Vegas Showtunes and Harry Potter

Hubby and I were giddy during the check in process. When we’ve got that nervous energy we make each other laugh with mocking, joke-telling or other 5th-grade-level antics.

Still in Miami, we were among the first in line to board. It’s not like we were excited to stay a moment longer at the haunted Lexington Hotel. We took the obligatory before-cruise picture with the faux background of paradise and then, it was on to the boat.

The entrance floor looked a bit like … Read more ...

A Vacation in the Caribbean, Won’t You Come Along?

Aaaaaahh. Vacation. Such a great word. It stems from the Latin word Vacare. You can probably tell that I’m on one right now, because who has the time to pontificate the roots of the word “vacation?”

I wasn’t going to blog from my vacation, but then I thought, why not? It’s not like blogging is work. In fact it’s something I really enjoy. So I welcome you to come along with me for a cybervacation, if you will.

It starts off in Miami, then aboard … Read more ...