Introducing Tasty Tuesdays

The past several months I’ve been working on my blog with the last few puffs of energy I have at the end of the day. In the midst of diapers, kindergarten prep, a traveling Hubby, trying to lose weight and freelancing, my blog gets a little lost.

It’s sad really because She’sWrite gives me much joy. Soooo, I’m moving it up on the priority list and as part of that I am introducing a new feature. It’s called… wait for it… no really, wait. It’s … Read more ...

A Meat Eater’s Take on the Controversial “Vegan is Love” Book

Let me just start off by saying it. I eat meat and enjoy it. Beef, bison, chicken, fish, even reindeer*. All of it is yummy.

I know that there’s unhealthiness in that carnivorous practice, especially with the swine and sadly, I’m sure I’ve ingested my fair share of pink slime. :s But alas, I’m a Meat Eater.

And I’m raising a couple of Meat Eaters too. We talk about healthy food choices, try to limit the sugar, eat our veggies, take our vitamins, etc. I … Read more ...