There’s a green little monster that’s come into our family. It all started with Miracle-Gro’s Premium Plants, which has sponsored this post.

Miracle-Gro reached out to me a couple months ago about hosting a giveaway and as part, I went and picked up their new product called Premium Plants. The kids were ecstatic to pick out the flowers, particularly my oldest, Logan. As I’ve said before, he loves to plant things.

Then we planted them and boy did they flourish! I have to admit I liked the compliments my neighbors and nanny would give me on the fullness of my flowers. Though really it was Logan’s care and Miracle-Gro’s product.

What started out as this:


Grew into this:



And then this:

Miracle-Gro Premium Plants SAMSUNG SAMSUNG
A week or so after we planted the flowers, we all had so much fun, I decided to sign us up for a plot in our community garden. I admittedly had no idea what I was doing. Though my fellow community garden plot owners acted like they were in a 4-H competition, we took a more lackadaisical approach.

I let Logan pick the seeds and plants. Logan, Ethan and I picked out some garden decor. We loaded up our scant gardening tools in our little red wagon and off we went.

We planted marigolds, onions, green peppers, pumpkins and carrots.  Each day it was so fun to walk the five minutes to our community garden and let the boys dig in the dirt, squeal at the worms and roley poleys. I also found it very soothing to dig in the dirt, pull the weeds, and watch the boys get dirty together.


Watering our plot in the community garden. You can't quite see our plants from here, but there's a scraggle of a pumpkin plant. The rest are further back in the plot.

Watering our plot in the community garden. You can’t quite see our plants from here, but there’s a scraggle of a pumpkin plant. The rest are further back in the plot.

We had to say goodbye to our garden since the big move to Portland, but already Logan’s been asking me about what we’re going to plant in our new backyard. He wants to plant an evergreen tree. He’s gone from having a green thumb to being a green, plant-loving little monster. And I’m with him every step of the way.

**This is sponsored by Scotts Miracle-Gro, but my thoughts and opinions are all my own.



Scott’s Miracle-Gro gives me a little more than a green thumb — No Comments

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