If you read this blog regularly, you know my Hubby is white. And if you’re new here, hopefully you’ve gotten the clue from my logo that I’m black.

Our wedding day.

We’re an interracial couple with blended boys and we wouldn’t have it any other way. As an interracial pair, we’ve had our random racist experiences, but we’ve also had many positive, enriching ones.

When I read about the couple in Kentucky who “inspired” a ban on mixed race couples, my heart broke for them. I can only imagine how much that hurt, especially because the white girl grew up in that church. Then I thought of how people contend that racism doesn’t exist.

Like the Kentucky girl’s father said about the person who pushed for the ban: “If he’s not racist, what is this?”

It’s racism people. Flat out racism. To call it anything else is disingenuous and a disservice. People want to end racism, but they’re scared to call it out unless it comes in the form of white sheets, swastikas and/or burning crosses. To end it, we’ve got to recognize it, talk about it and deal with it together.

And so I write. I write about my thoughts and my experiences because though I don’t speak for all of us, I can give you a glimpse into my world. This time, I’m on Huffington Post talking about my relationship. You can read it here.

The big take away is that we’ve had hurdles and we’ll have more, but we overcome them because we are focused on each other’s core. He’s my soulmate, no one has ever been in so synced with my spirit and I love him. He just happens to be Norwegian and I’m a black girl from Kansas.



Huffington Post: Blogging about my interracial marriage — 5 Comments

  1. I enjoyed your article in the Huffington Post. I am in an interracial marriage also. My husband is white English and I’m a black American. We’ve had to deal with some people’s disapproval, but those incidents were minor really compared to what the couple in Kentucky experienced. My heart goes out to them.

  2. I saw the headlines for that church thing. I couldn’t bring myself to read about it. How can someone call him a Christian when his heart is so obviously filled with hate?

  3. You are so right. I think everyone experiences some sort of -ism. I’m plus sized and I get fatism. I am an adoptive mother and we get…well, I don’t know what kind of -ism that is but we sure do get some comments there.
    I love your site! Thanks for visiting mine.

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