Is that your dad? Our across the street neighbors always have a flag flying. When our beside us neighbor passed away he lowered it to half mast. It was one of the sweetest, saddest, most honorary things I’ve ever seen.
It is my dad and he was lowering the flag on the day that we buried his father. It was just me and him in front of his childhood home. I watched him quietly. I still don’t know if he knew I was standing there. (I suppose he’ll find out today when he sees this…)
Beautiful picture.
Thanks lady.
Is that your dad? Our across the street neighbors always have a flag flying. When our beside us neighbor passed away he lowered it to half mast. It was one of the sweetest, saddest, most honorary things I’ve ever seen.
It is my dad and he was lowering the flag on the day that we buried his father. It was just me and him in front of his childhood home. I watched him quietly. I still don’t know if he knew I was standing there. (I suppose he’ll find out today when he sees this…)
I had seen that picture before, but did not know who took the picture.
Really? That’s kinda funny. Well pops, I confess, it was me. (Now I’m wondering where you saw it, maybe I sent it to you awhile ago and forgot?)
I love you Grandpa.
I love when a picture tells a story like that…what a wonderful hero!
Since I couldn’t hit a “like” button
I thought I would just say “LIKE” …
Not only is that picture powerful and moving… but I also love that your Dad reads your blog and commented.