We all want to make a difference in the world, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Should we volunteer at a local church, make a monthly donation to an animal charity, or go off to Africa and help people in need? With so many options, how do we decide which one is most deserving of our time or money?


Start by thinking about whether you would feel more capable of donating time or money. Some people are very busy and would feel they could be more productive if they were to make a monthly charitable donation. In fact, there are some people who deliberately take on extra hours at work in order to make a donation with the extra money they make. In effect, they are working some of the time just to make money for the charity they support. There are also people like Lois Pope a philanthropist who helps a wide range of causes by making considerable donations from the wealth she has already accumulated.

There are many people who find themselves in the opposite position. They have some spare time each week, or maybe they even have a few months to spare. But while they have time, they don’t have money. In this case, it’s best to choose an organization that could benefit from your volunteering.
If you want to volunteer, start by thinking about the unique skills that you could bring. Many charities need a wide range of skills to run their operations and to help with the core services they provide. As a lawyer, for example, you could help any type of charity with their legal operations. You could also choose to help a charity that gives disadvantaged people pro bono legal representation. Both of these choices would be good uses of your time, and you would ultimately be making a big difference.

 The same ideas can be applied to any profession. An accountant could help charities to keep their books, or could work with an organization that helps people to set up and run businesses in poor communities. If you are a plumber, you could work for a housing charity or you could help the charities to maintain their own property.


If you are donating money or time, you ultimately want to know that you are working with an organization that is truly making a positive impact. That is why it’s good to initially spend some time researching causes and organizations. Some of us want to work with a cause that is close to our hearts, while others want to find the cause where their time or money can be used most productively.

It’s best that you take an approach that combines both. Search around for causes that interest you, and then do some extensive research on organizations that help toward that cause. Reading a charity’s annual report will give you great insights into the types of things they do, and how productively they do it.



Donating Your Money Or Time To Charity — 6 Comments

  1. Hey Melanie!!

    I’m all about volunteering, although, I did more of it when I wasn’t working. I volunteered for a year at our Homeless shelter’s thrift store. Had an outstanding experience there.

    I mostly enjoyed getting to know the other volunteers who were part of the Homeless shelter program. You really got to know who they were and their life experiences. Much of the time people make assumptions because someone is homeless or has fallen on hard times. You really never know what type of life anyone has lived until you talk to them!

    I need to find more opportunities to volunteer even if for an hour a month!

    Thanks for the reminder.

    • Hey lady! How goes it? Thanks for swinging by my little bloggy corner of the world. You know when it comes to volunteering I find that I get way more than I give. And you’re so right you don’t know what people have been through until you take the time to get to know them. 🙂

  2. I used to volunteer regularly, and it’s one of those things that’s fallen by the wayside. Donating money just isn’t the same for me. Thank you for the reminder! 🙂

  3. My husband and I do both. Sometimes we donate to cancer societies and the LUPUS Foundation, we’ve also donated Easter baskets and Christmas gifts for kids. Several years ago we volunteered at a literacy center. I taught Pre-GED science and social studies classes and my husband was a one-on-one math tutor. I loved it so much, I’m now a program manager at the center where we volunteered! My co-worker and I are the only paid personnel at the center. All of our tutors and teachers volunteer their time. It’s the best and most rewarding career decision I’ve ever made.

    • Wow, see? Look at you! You turned a worthwhile passion into a jobby job job! That’s very cool and admirable. Go you! I’ve also done some work with the Lupus Foundation, it’s a great organization. My mom has lupus, so their mission is a personal one for me. Thank you for your comment! 🙂

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