As many moms were packing lunches, correcting bed head, and keeping breakfast off of new shirts for their kids’ first day of school, I was doing the same mommy hustle for my 8 month old.

It was time to ship my little Ethan to daycare. We’d spent the past 8 months together hanging out at the house, napping, laughing and drooling.

But because I was failing at carving out time to do my freelance work with an infant around (imagine that!) it was time for me to ship him off and into to the hands of someone else. Daycare.

I love my daycare. I always have. My eldest, Logan, has been going there since he was 7 months old and the ladies have been chomping at the bit to get their mitts on my youngest boy.

So the morning starts off great, we have breakfast, the bags are packed, the new clothes are on, I’d even taken the obligatory “First Day” picture. Then it happens. (Experienced moms, you know where this is headed.)

We have a blowout. OK. Time to switch to the back-up outfit. I’m a little harried because I need to get the kids to school since I have to interview a CEO this morning for a story. So far I’m doing alright on time.

We’re out the door and on the road. I’m zipping along and to save time decide to test out the new shortcut I found the other day. We zigzag through an office park. (Experienced drivers, you know where this is headed.)

Flashing lights in my rearview mirror. Expletives. A siren. Another expletive. Prayers that expletives wouldn’t be repeated at daycare.

The officer apologizes for giving me a ticket, explaining that he had to because he was assigned to set up a speed trap there since people had complained about all the cars whizzing by. I apparently am not alone in thinking 25 mph is waaaayyy too slow for that wending road.

In Illinois when you get a speeding ticket, they usually take your driver’s license and give you a yellow carbon copy of the ticket that you’re to use in place of the license. It’s annoying to say the least. As he’s handing me the flimsy piece of paper and apologizing again for giving me a ticket (wth?) all I could think about was how I can’t buy alcohol at my grocery store anymore.

(Yes, they still card me and I love it. I’m sure they have a must-card-everyone-under-50 rule, but I tell myself it’s because I still look young.)

But we are back on the road again and by now I am getting worried about being late for my interview.

I pull into the daycare, usher Logan inside the school while carrying Ethan in his carseat and a Mary Poppins-esque diaper bag. The daycare teachers are squealing, awwwing and fawning over Ethan.

The evil in me wants to say: Yes, he’s cute. I love him. You’ll love him. Now take him. I’m going to be late.”

But I don’t. My good side exchanges the necessary pleasantries and then I zip back home. No speeding ticket this time. (Yay!) And I arrive 20 minutes before my interview was to start. (Double yay!)

I smiled triumphantly. I had survived the first First Day of School Morning! Now this afternoon I just needed to remember to swing by the liquor store where I’m known on a first-name basis.



The First Day of School, An Interview and The Police — 13 Comments

  1. I’ve never heard of places taking your drivers license when you get a ticket, that just seems odd. In Texas we can just mail in our payment and never have to set foot in a courthouse, I’m assuming that’s not the case when they take your license.

    But at least you made your interview (also, glad it sounds like your little one wasn’t too hysterical about starting daycare)!

    • Yes I always thought it was odd for them to take your license and all you’ve got is a piddly wrinkled carbon copy of the ticket. After you pay your fee via mail, they ship it back to you. It’s very nerve-wracking because I worry that if it doesn’t get lost in the bureaucratic rigamarow at the secretary of state’s office, then it will certainly get lost while in under the stewardship of our postal service. But your right, at least I made the interview and my little dude gave me a pain-free drop off. 🙂

  2. Congratulations for making it through the first day!

    “Yes, he’s cute. I love him. You’ll love him. Now take him. I’m going to be late.” This actually made me LOL. And I’m pretty sure that I probably would’ve said that out loud myself 😉

    I don’t do any work at all (seriously, I’m lazy) and I still mentioned to my mom the other day that I should get a nanny when the new baby gets here because I have no idea how I’ll handle two kids (without reducing myself to a pile of tears in the fetal position rocking in the corner). I was joking of course, but there’s no denying that I’d be thrilled if my mom decided to quit her job to stay home with me and the kids 🙂

    My hubby is a cop and I don’t think he’s ever apologized to anyone for giving them a ticket, haha. It’s nice, though, that you didn’t get a mean one…it can just make it worse when you’re in a hurry. They don’t keep the licenses here in PA, that’s weird, I’ve never heard of that before.

    Also in PA we don’t have alcohol in our grocery stores…it’s only at the State Stores (liquor stores). Although it makes no difference to me since I don’t drink, I’m quite happy it’s not at the grocery store. The only place I was ever “carded” was at the movies when DH and I were going to see an R rated one. And then there was the time at the movie theater when someone thought I was his daughter. Poor guy, I’m actually a year older than him 😉

    • HA! I love that you got carded at the movies. That’s kinda sweet. And WHAT!?!??! No liquor in the grocery stores!??!?! That’s like no veggies in the produce section. What gives with that? (I grew up in Kansas, and you could only get beer and wine coolers in the stores there…) Yes the cop was very nice, a little too apologetic, but nice to say the least.

  3. You know all of that stress was probably a blessing. Just imagine how your heart would have been breaking if everything else had not of been on your mind. God knows what He’s doing. 🙂

    • You know, I never thought of it that way, but you’re so right! It was a completely rip-the-bandaid off experience. No long tearful goodbyes, just good BYE! 🙂

  4. Next time leave baby in poopy pants – police will forget ticket in effort to get away from heinous smell, daycare guaranteed not to fawn (disregard odd looks), time leftover to grab Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte before meeting CEO. Problems solved. You’re welcome.

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