OK, I admit it. I was wrong. I thought with proper time management Hubby and I could easily train for the half marathon.

The boys konked out after a 5 mile run.

The boys konked out after a 5 mile run.

Clearly I was smoking something.

When I told him I was going to do Chicago’s Rock N’ Roll Half Marathon, part of him wanted to join. I warned him that if he did, I’d be more bullish about my training than I was with the Shamrock Shuffle. Since the Shamrock was his first race, I pushed him hard to train, but didn’t do a great job of training myself.

This time, I said, I’d put myself first. In the beginning it was easy. I trained in the late morning, he trained once he got home from work. We did a few runs together on the weekends, but that didn’t always pan out because of a napping or screaming child and/or parent.

Then the runs got longer. The weather got warmer. Our legs weaker. (I had shin splints, he twisted his ankle.) Running ate up our weekends. We didn’t do the long runs together, so I’d leave to pound the pavement for 7, 8, 9 or 10 miles while he had the kids, then he’d hit the gym to do the same.

By the time we checked “Running” off our To Do list, more than half the day would be gone.

Then his job got busier and he wasn’t coming home until 8 p.m. or 9 p.m. After a 14 hour day, who has the energy to train?

We tried every schedule configuration to get in all our runs. I got up at 4:30 a.m., but my kids must have me Lojacked because they’d wake, protesting my escape. Later in the morning I’d take the kids in the double jogger, but I really can’t run much farther than 5ish miles in that thing before the kids get restless. (I’m *really* a slow runner, actually I’m more of a bouncy walker than an actual runner…) Not to mention, that contraption is heavy.

Hubby had spotty success at getting up at 4:30 a.m. to run, largely because he can’t seem to fall asleep before midnightish.

I’d take the kids to the gym’s daycare, but only get in a few miles on the dreadmill before the pager would beep because Ethan had blown a gasket.

As I was staring down the barrel of this half marathon, I began to obsessively complain to my BFF that I couldn’t get my runs in. She came up with an obvious solution. Hire a sitter.

Last week I did, and it was fabulous. She’s only here a few hours, but I got my weekday runs done. This week she’s coming two times as well and I’m looking forward to it.

Part of me wants to continue having her over for a couple hours each week, I mean imagine what I could do with that time. Mani, pedi, eyebrows threaded, massage and run errands like buying light bulbs, batteries or going to the post office. Alas, Hubby and I are watching our pennies, you know since I quit my job and that the economy’s in the tank.

The important thing is that the sitter’s here now, making it possible for me to eek in a few more good runs. Especially since in six days, I’ll hopefully be crossing the finish line in the upright position and ahead of the street sweepers.



An Exercise in Time Management: Training for My Half Marathon — 10 Comments

    • Thanks! I too think that’d be great. I have to admit I’m nervous about getting started on this freelance thing, it seems like if I play my cards right, it could easily snowball into a full time gig instead of the part time thing I’m wanting. We’ll see. Fingers crossed! 🙂

    • Awww thanks Breezer. Yeah, I can’t believe the race is so close either. In one way I want more time to get ready and in another aspect I’ll be glad to have it over with so I can change my fitness goals and focus more on this whole freelancing gig.

  1. I would like to hire a sitter so that I can take a shower. Being clean is nice…I miss it 😉

    Shin splints are the worst! I got a wicked case of it when I was 16 during dance camp when we were doing more kick lines than usual. I imagine it had to be pretty close to the pain of getting whacked in the shins by Tonya Harding. Then again I tend to exaggerate a bit.

    I never run. Unless I’m being chased. If you see me running call 911…something’s going down.

  2. BTW I noticed that everyone else commented about the super-cool thing that you’re doing while I decided to only talk about myself. Probably because reading about your running and ambition makes me want to take a nap…but you are my hero. Someday I’ll get my lazy butt up and maybe make myself a sandwich and then who knows…maybe five years later I’ll be ready to run somewhere 😉
    Seriously, though, you’re awesome 🙂

    • HA! You’re hilarious. First, you’re one of those good moms who doesn’t leave your kid unattended and that’s why you don’t shower. Either that or you’re doing one of your very cool and impressive artsy crafty things to enrich your child’s life. My hat goes off to YOU because I have no clue how you do all that you do. I’d be drooling on myself in a corner after walking one day in your shoes. Um, so on the dance camp, are there videos? Do I see some vlogging in your future with some flashback clips? Please? Pretty please? Will I have to bribe Cool Daddy?

      • There aren’t any dance camp videos…but there are videos of the performances. Hours and hours of crappy highschool half-time shows, parades, band and choral concerts, plays, musicals, and talent shows. And you wouldn’t have to bribe my hubby too much…he’d probably pay you to take the videos if it meant he’d never have to watch them again. I kinda like forcing people to watch the sub-par performances of my past…it’s a sickness.
        Yes, maybe someday once I get them transferred to digital I may vlog all the awesomeness 😉

  3. Good luck, lady!! You’ll do great!
    P.S. I thought I was “following” you, but I think I got confused with twitter, and then I see your new blog design, which is pretty dang awesome! Anyway, can’t wait for your half-marathon post about how you rocked it!!

    • Thanks lady! I tried to respond to this a few days ago, so if you’ve already received something from me, well, I suppose you’ve just got a double-dose. Glad you like my new blog design, I too am in love with it! How’s your running coming along?

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