The Divided States of America: I’m inspired and afraid
Each day I sit down at my laptop and begin to write. There’s so much to discuss, so much has happened, but each day there’s a new political bombshell. Like many of you, I start each day wondering what’s next America?
Obviously, I’m talking about the President of the United States who has been in office for less than two weeks. In that time, presidential orders have been made to ban immigrants from a country founded by immigrants, to build a $40 billion wall, restricting people’s First Amendment Rights, firing the acting Attorney General, the list goes on and on.

More than 2,000 demonstrators showed up for the Women’s March in Oslo.
People are fleeing Facebook and other social media because the cacophony of conflict is too much to bear. It’s inspiring to see more people involved in the political process, calling their legislators and protesting in the streets and at airports. It’s also disconcerting that this engagement didn’t happen much sooner, but I digress.
My previous hopes that people with different views would at least try to listen to each other now seems admittedly naive. We’re still just talking at each other, the left side is insulting the right and vice versa. Liberals are whiny, entitled wimps, and conservatives are bigoted, brash and stupid. When we start off our communications with insults and attacks, no wonder the divide is just increasing.
Believe me, I get that it’s not easy. I’m not under the impression that I can change anyone’s opinion on ideologies. I’m not out to do that, but I also know that I cannot just sit here and twiddle my thumbs.
I can express myself and I admit, I’m afraid. I’m afraid for my beloved America. It feels like we are our own worst enemy. We are tearing each other down under the guise of speaking honestly and frankly. We enter conversations from opposing viewpoints with an eye on winning the debate instead of listening and learning.
When we try to find out more about the issues, we gravitate toward news sources that feel more comfortable to us. It feels more truthful if it aligns with our belief system. If we don’t agree with something, it’s quickly labeled as “fake news” without an independent and critical look at where information is legitimately coming from. It’s even harder to bridge the gap when we can’t even agree on what is the truth.
We, the people of the United States of America, would do best to remember that yes, we are all people. We are not left, right, black, white. We come in different shades, different beliefs, different struggles and we can’t pretend to try to understand each other when we can’t get past name-calling.
As for me and my family, we will always fight for those who don’t have a voice regardless of race, class or creed. I will continue to support the causes that I believe in, let my legislators know whether I support or condemn their actions and continue to respectfully engage in the democratic process.
The Divided States of America: I’m inspired and afraid — No Comments