Category Archives: Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday: The Best Tweet on Roy Moore’s loss in Alabama
I recognize that this strays from the usual Wordless Wednesday format, but it was so good, I had to share. I’m glad Roy Moore is leaving the Senate and let’s hope this momentum to demand better elected officials continues.… Read more ...
Wordless Wednesday: Looking back on the Oslo march on International Women’s Day

During January’s Women’s March, these two joined hundreds of others in front of Stortinget, the parliament building in Oslo.

When there’s protests in Norway, demonstrators often have lighted torches as part of a longstanding tradition. It’s said to symbolize raising awareness, shining light on the issue at hand.
Wordless Wednesdays: Sitting on the dock of the bay
This is along Akker Brygge, one of Oslo’s most popular spots. It used to be an old shipyard, but now is home to many upscale and trendy restaurants and boutiques.… Read more ...
Wordless Wednesday: I never tire of Norway’s skies
Just before dinner time in central Norway.… Read more ...