How My Night Went From a Freelance Writing Panel to a Stripping Chipmunk

Walking back to my car in Portland after a freelance writing panel, I could hear the people whooping it up from the sidewalk. I peered through the windowed door to see a coffeehouse with an eclectic crowd applauding a clown.

Well, she was kind of a clown. She was more of a clown before a clown dons on the red nose, curly wig and big shoes. There wasn’t even a billowy polkadotted jumper for this maven. Instead, she was rockin’ some black fishnets and glitter.… Read more ...

Facebook Faux Pas: The accidental friend request

Have you ever made a mistake and then when you tried to dig yourself out of the hole you just made it worse? Me too.

It happens a lot actually, so let me tell you the latest faux pas. Basically, I was trying to find a picture of my red wall for a blog post. I couldn’t, so went to Hubby’s Facebook page because I thought he had a shot or two that I could download.

I’m on his page and instead of clicking … Read more ...