Well I survived my first day at WordCamp. And it was great, even better than I expected. (and I had very high hopes.) So I’d always wanted to start a blog and finally while waiting at O’Hare airport for our trip to New York to begin I decided, let’s do it. Five minutes later I had my theme and thusly, my blog.

Fast-forward a month to now, where I’m increasingly frustrated with the lack of brillance on my blog. I Googled and out sprang WordCamp Chicago 2010. It must have been divine intervention. A $30 conference? New people? Face-to-face help with WordPress? Game on beeotches.

Before the conference I wondered what the people would be like, their bios were all impressive, these professional blogger developer types. My hubby’s in IT so I assumed the boys would be like him witty and clad in clever T-shirts with cargo shorts. And the girls, well, of course they would be various shades of Lisa Loeb. There were some truths to my ass-ooom-aations, but largely we were a varied and fun group, drawn together by this curiously complex but easy to comprehend force called WordPress.

I worried people would be speaking in alphabet soup (RSS, CSS, PHP, xyz, pdq) and I’d need to Google the terms to know which end is up, but nope. They spoke English. And they were friendly and so ready to help me with what is surely to be mundane questions.

I learned tons and I’m excited, very excited to put it into practice. Did you know that one thing about WordPress.com and WordPress.org is that you must have your .org site hosted, among other things allowing for plug-ins and once you get that host you can still manage multiple blogs but you get to be a Super Admin. I hear it comes with a cape.

See? I wouldn’t have known what the heck I was saying 8 hours ago. Now I can’t actually *do* any of that stuff, I’m just grasping at the concepts. But hey, tomorrow’s Day 2, all in good time.



WordCamp Chicago 2010: Game on beotches — No Comments

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