That’s exactly how I feel. My new baby is to make his/her debut soon and I know I’m already a mom, but still welcoming a new one into the world is scary. Are women ever nonchalant about having a baby? Was Michelle Duggar like: Meh, this is just kid No. 19?

Not sure, but I know we’ve prepped all we can for Bean, I simply wonder how the big day is going to go down. Is it today? Tomorrow? Will I be induced? Get to go on my own?

They’re monitoring me very closely for preeclampsia. My due date is Jan. 6 and I honestly didn’t think I’d make it this far without being induced, so I’m glad that I stopped working early and have been taking it easy to give Bean the best start possible.

Earlier today I had a doctor appointment where my blood pressure was very high in the beginning and then lowered about 10 minutes later. The non-stress tests on my 7lb Bean were perfect, as usual. The doctor said that I didn’t need to come back until Monday, but I didn’t listen and made another appointment for Wednesday.

And we all know how much I hate doctors and hospitals. It just felt… right. So back home I went and after lounging around the house for some time, I started to feel… for lack of a better word, woozy and my blood pressure was again sky high.

Though like Prissy in Gone With The Wind “I don’t know nothing ’bout birthing no babies,” yet I thought let’s go to the hospital to check this out.

Who knows, maybe I’ll go in for monitoring and then get to go back home. Or maybe I’ll come home with a wriggling bundle of joy. Funny thing about these kinds of things, even Type As like me can’t control the situation.

Stay tuned.



I Don’t Know Nothin’ ‘Bout Birthing No Babies — No Comments

  1. Staying tuned 😉 and yep…as a mom of baby #2 who is now going on 3 weeks, it is scary as anything but once that little one comes out and is placed in your arms, all that fear goes out the window and you are overcome with love for the new little person, and for your firstborn who is now (finally) a big brother.

  2. My biggest thing with my first baby was that I wanted to know the plan, the process for what was supposed to happen. I’m an Auditor (business processes and controls) and I needed a plan. My doctor would laugh and just say “we’ll see”. Drove me nuts.

  3. I don’t know. In some ways I think it’ll be a lot less scary with the second one since we have some experience, and then again…two babies, two babies…Yeah, it’s probably always scary.
    I’ll be praying for you and baby, hoping that you both will have the most safe and healthy delivery possible at the exact right moment. I can’t wait to find out if it’s a girl or boy 🙂

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