I’m eight months pregnant and so far things have been going swimmingly, though I am one of those strange women who loves all 40 weeks of the pregnancy from baby kicks to body aches. But now the landscape has changed.

Instead of poking fun at my expanding waistline, I’ve taken to cheering for every millimeter of growth. It’s because I’ve started to develop preeclampsia. That’s where, among other things, a pregnant women’s blood pressure rises to not great levels and it can be dangerous.

A Personal History. When I was pregnant with Logan, at my 34-week checkup, the doctors noticed his growth had slowed, he was still measuring at 33 weeks and my blood pressure was high. After weekly monitoring, a couple trips to the hospital, medication and bed rest, they induced me at 38 weeks. That’s full term and Logan was born a perfectly healthy, but small 5 lbs 6 oz. He’s gone on to be a normal, thriving tantrum-prone toddler.

This time around the medical staff has been watching me like a hawk. Since my blood pressure started to go up a few weeks ago, they ordered monthly ultrasounds to make sure that Bean was growing fine. I thought this was great because I got to see the little one each month, how cool is that? Bean’s actually measuring a little big (yay!) and has been passing all the tests with flying colors.

Nevertheless, because mama’s not passing all her tests, I’ve been ordered to work from home three days a week so I can lie on my left side as much as possible, increasing blood flow to the placenta.

RELAXXX! This is my least favorite part of having high blood pressure. Everyone you’ve ever met tells you to relax. I know they mean well, but the chorus of commands to “RELAX!!!” isn’t, well, relaxing. I care for my child more than any person on the planet and I want the best for Bean and I’m always trying my best, so believe me I’m trying to relax. I’ve cut back on everything and will continue to do so, but keep in mind with a 3 year old, a husband who is now working at least 70 hours a week and no family nearby, it’s no cake walk. Thank goodness I have a great cleaning lady, good neighbors and good friends. But to the chorus, I say: mile in my shoes people, mile in my shoes.

What’s Next? For now, I’ll keep working as it keeps me sane, I’m sure if things keep progressing as they did last time, I’ll have to dial back and be on more bed rest. Last time bed rest drove me bonkers as someone who’s at her happiest (and Zen) when she’s on-the-go, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. For the time being, I’ll smile at Bean’s Cha-Cha slide in my tummy, root for Bean’s growth and yes, even relax a little bit more.



The Docs Say It’s Time For Modified Bed Rest — 10 Comments

  1. Hey Mel…sorry you are dealing with preeclampsia again. And I can relate to not being able to relax! DH is also working crazy hours – and it’s hard being a “single mommy”, esepcially to a toddler full of energy! Hope this last month goes smoothly for you & little bean continues to grow and do well!

  2. Yeah, docs, try telling a pregnant, social, workaholic, mom of a toddler to relax. Ha! I hope Bean stays in a lot longer…& you grow to be oh-so-huge! 😛

    Just relax. (j/k) Haha!

  3. Thank You for putting this out There, especially as a working mother of a toddler…Know what I did after my trip to the mw today, baked cookies for my 3 yrs holds teachers aide because tomorrow is paraprofessional appreciation day, made a gourmet dinner of chicken saltimbocca with a lemon sauce and carrot orzo. Just couldn’t “relax”..
    Haha. But atleast now I can “relax” with fresh cookies. Maybe sending you some will facilitate your relaxation 🙂

    • Oh so that relaxing after your appointment was baking and cooking? Yeah I thought you’d like the passage on “RELAXXX!” I mean really. Um, you can save your cookies and ship the chicken dinner, it sounds delish!

  4. I seriously think you just need to relax…….
    😉 Just kidding.
    I’ve never had a problem with preeclampsia but when Hubby and I were struggling with infertility I heard “relax” a lot. Kinda makes you want to put a fork in someone’s eye (or maybe I’m just a little violent). It took a 4 1/2 years to conceive and while the conception was as much of a mystery as the infertility…I can guarantee that I wasn’t any more relaxed at the time.
    Ug…some people just don’t get it.
    I’ll keep you and Bean in my prayers!
    (BTW, do you know girl or boy or are you keeping it a secret?)

  5. UGH… preeclampsia is definitely a word I hate to see or hear about. I suffered from preeclampsia with my third child. It was horrible and one of the worst ordeals I have ever been through. You are lucky that your doctors found it in time to put you on bed rest. My doctor on the other hand failed to tell me what preeclampsia was and had no idea what I was supposed to look for. Bed rest was not an option that was given to me, so being a mother of two kids and upholding a very needy career I was always on the run. If I only knew the symptoms and how bed rest is so needed during this time, maybe the outcome would have been different.
    As hard as it is to “relax” especially under these circumstances, you have got to find a way… take it from me it makes a world of a differance.

  6. Sorry to hear this, but glad the doctor is ordering you to lie down. Fine, don’t “relax”, do leg lifts or something. And write!

  7. Hi,

    I really feel for you. I had the beginnings of pre-eclampsia during my first pregnancy. I then figured out that pre-eclampsia stems from insufficient amounts of certain nutrients and went from there. I was able to prevent it from worsening and reversed what had started by eating lots of protein, making sure I was getting enough calcium and drinking a lot of water. This is what worked for me. Natural salt is helpful too. Cutting out salt completely can worsen matters. Here are some articles that might explain it better than I can.



    I think nutrition has a great effect on pregnancy. Good luck to you whatever you do. I drank a lot of Nettle Leaf tea and Red Raspberry Leaf tea during my pregnancy and that provided tons of vitamins and minerals. Plus, the RRL tones the uterus which made contractions a bit easier.

    I happened upon your blog earlier and have been reading through. You have a sweet little boy. My oldest and youngest are 2 yrs, 3 months apart. It surely has its ups and downs, but I am so glad that they are close in age like your little ones are about to be.
    Btw, the post about your neighbors was very intriguing. : P
    Seemingly very odd that they chop up furniture. (???) How nice that you’re making them christmas cookies.

    Have a blessed birth and enjoy your baby moon(s) : )

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