The Defiant Housewife: Raising Her Girls To Run The World

*My tell-it-like-it-is guest blogger, The Defiant Housewife, is back! This time she’s tackling double standards and the traditional women’s roles. Get ready.

This morning, I turned on the television. Beyonce strutted across the screen belting “Who runs the world?  Girls!” My two daughters simultaneously broke out dancing, and my 3-year-old sang the words with conviction. Every day, I tell her how amazing, intelligent, creative, strong and beautiful she is. She really believes that girls run the world, and so do I.

I have been called … Read more ...

The Explosion in Oslo, My Norwegian Mum and A Cute Pair of Shoes

“Hey, Mom’s OK,” Hubby said tersely into the phone. My mind raced. Why wouldn’t my mother-in-law be OK? Did I forget that something was supposed to happen today? “What do you mean?” I asked.

“There was an explosion in Oslo. She’s OK.”

My mind kicked into sixth gear. I’d been pretty unplugged most of the morning, so really didn’t know what was going on in the world outside my bubble. I ran downstairs and flipped on the TV.

The Prime Minister’s office building in downtown … Read more ...

Next Stop: Happiness

*I wrote this last weekend as sort of a therapeutic exercise for myself. Since this is my blog and my space, I figured, why not post it?*

Enjoying Caffe DeLuca.

Wow. Here I am, my last day as an AP newswoman. Yes, that’s the official term.

I plan to quit tomorrow. It’s been a long trip to get to this point. All throughout my maternity leave, it’s been should I go back? Should I stay home? Should I go someplace else?

We all know how … Read more ...

Didja Hear? I Just Quit My Job

I quit my job Monday. My dad called my move “bold.” Others said it was “inspiring.” For me, it was time.

Shortly after resigning.

Twelve years ago I walked into The Associated Press, just weeks after college graduation. I remember being nervous and excited to begin my new life. There were a couple months in St. Louis, then Kansas City, where Hubby proposed and finally Chicago, where we’ve been for 10 years. (How the hell did *that* happen?)

The stories I’ve had the privilege of … Read more ...

Welcome To The New She’sWrite

Congrats! You’ve found my new home. Ain’t it puuurrrdy?

It’s been a little over a year that I’ve been blogging and it’s time for me to take it up a notch. Welcome to my self-hosted site, designed by the wonderful and amazingly patient Visual Luxe.

There’s still features that I’m adding to the site, so it will continue to evolve, but feel free to bookmark me! I’m starting a new chapter in my life and this is just the beginning. You’ll want to come … Read more ...