An Exercise in Time Management: Training for My Half Marathon

OK, I admit it. I was wrong. I thought with proper time management Hubby and I could easily train for the half marathon.

The boys konked out after a 5 mile run.

The boys konked out after a 5 mile run.

Clearly I was smoking something.

When I told him I was going to do Chicago’s Rock N’ Roll Half Marathon, part of him wanted to join. I warned him that if he did, I’d be more bullish about my training than I was with the Shamrock Shuffle. Since the Shamrock was … Read more ...

Lesbian Couple Saves Dozens in Norway Massacre

Hege Dalen and her wife Toril Hansen were having a quiet meal near the shores of Norway’s Lake Tyrifjorden. Then came the gunfire. And the “awful screaming.”

Across the lake was Utoyan Island, where Anders Breivik was slaughtering young campers. Authorities said Breivik gunned down more than 100 people attending the Labour party camp.

“We were eating,” Dalen told the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sannomat. “Then shooting and then the awful screaming. We saw how the young people ran in panic into the lake.”

The … Read more ...

Date Night with the Blue Hairs

I was so excited for the evening that I strapped on my 5 inch heels. It’s been awhile since mama put on those bad boys.

They're over a year old, but I still love 'em.

   It was Parents Night Out at my daycare, where they stay open 2 hours later. You can bring other kids who aren’t students at La Petite Academy and they’ll look after them too. It’s cheaper than a babysitter and along with all the kiddie fun, they feed your munchkin.
   We … Read more ...