She’sWrite is on Huffington Post

There’s big things brewing in the She’sWrite world. Today I had my first post released on The Huffington Post.

I’m quite excited and nervous about it. It’s about my conflicted emotions of perpetually being a brown girl in a mostly white neighborhood. Or like I put it in the piece: “My on-again-off-again relationship with white people.”

A friend of mine said it was brave to write so honestly, but I didn’t even think about that, I just kind of… wrote. I still don’t think … Read more ...

What I Learned At Bloggy Boot Camp: Twitter, Tribes and Tassels

I was 30 minutes late for dinner. THIRTY. This is one of those things that only started happening after my kids were born. What kind of person shows up at a restaurant 30 minutes late?

Well, me, apparently. It was the night before my blog conference and some of us were meeting for dinner at the hotel. My children must have sensed that I need to bail on their evening routine early so they were doing their best to delay my departure. Mission accomplished.

Finally, … Read more ...

An Over-Planned Birthday Bash

My oldest turned 4 the other day. Four years that he’s been with us and I look at him and marvel. I’m someone’s mom. That’s crazy.

What’s crazier is that Logan apparently thought he was turning 14. First thing in the morning, he whispers in my ear: “Can you tell? My voice is deeper now that I’m four.”

Excited about his banana cake.

Blink. Blink. What did he just say?

Logan stares at me, expecting an answer.

“Yes, you’re right!” I lie enthusiastically. Where Read more ...

A Soggy Basement Brings A Flood of Memories Good, Bad and Embarrassing

*Guestblogger Jess is a quick-witted, stay-at-home mother-writer-friend who periodically discusses the various lenses of her life on She’sWrite. Here’s her story:

I’m going to embarrass myself.

In case you hadn’t heard, it rained the other day in Chicagoland. Our sump pump failed when the power went out and that was that.

Box after cardboard box full of photo albums and old papers were soaked. I had the enviable honor of pulling out each individual photo and laying it out to dry. Good memories, bad memories, … Read more ...

Rockin’ at Chicago’s Half Marathon

We did it. Today, Hubby and I ran Chicago’s Rock n’ Roll half marathon. Our feet carried us 13.1 miles or over 230 football fields, or up and down Willis Tower about 16 times or … You get the idea. It was a long haul.

But we did it..

Our day started off at 4:15 a.m., after I’d hit the snooze button a couple times. We had stayed up too late the night before and loathed dragging our carcasses out of bed.

On the … Read more ...